SIP in Mutual Funds vs SIP in stocks:

SIP in Mutual Funds vs SIP in stocks: Which is better for you? Following this route, the investors would not need to time the market, invest through a regulated approach and protect themselves during volatile times while earning better returns. The information of rising COVID cases on the other hand brings the stock market downhill. In such an erratic mode of market conditions, doing a SIP is highly recommended. Gone are those days when roti, kapda and makaan were the basic requirements of human life. With major advancements in the 21st century, the internet and SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) have got into this new list of bare essentials. We often hear the Millenials promoting “SIP it, shut it, and forget it” rather than fostering “Buy low and sell high”. Because in their belief, timing the market is way too complicated, and in most cases, it never works. Volatility in recent months has tested the patience of the market participants. The pandemic was the major cause behind thi...